This New Moon in Pisces marks the end of the astrological year, making it a powerful time for endings, healing, and letting go. When people think of Pisces, they often think of illusion, spirituality, and dreamy, ethereal energy. But for this reflection, I want to talk about Pisces representing something deeper, something more profound that I don’t often see others talk about: unconditional love, sacrifice, and forgiveness.
I see Pisces as the most spiritual and “enlightened” archetype if expressed maturely. I think of Jesus, who is an example of love, sacrifice, and forgiveness. Jesus lived a simple but profound life. He fearlessly faced challenges, including betrayal, and ultimately sacrificed himself.
Reflecting on Jesus' life, I can't help but examine my own journey, particularly in terms of forgiveness and unconditional love. Jesus knew he would get betrayed by Judas and was simply aware that this was just a manifestation of a lack of consciousness from Judas. I often find myself grappling with feelings of bitterness and betrayal, forcing myself to attempt to forgive. There are moments when I feel fully conscious but I get back to my default triggered self. It's a constant battle with my ego, which seeks validation and reciprocity in my “pure” intending acts. How I know that I don’t have unconditional love is that I still hold on to wanting to see others “karma” for hurting me. This is the part of me that wants justice so bad. My “ego” side wants to see people experience the consequence of their actions. And I have, but the thing is, what I thought would bring me peace was nothing but an illusion. Seeing others suffer is not cathartic. It soothed my ego for a moment, but this did not bring me peace. I know, deep down, the better part of me is seeking healing and forgiveness. The true kind. The kind that lets the past go honestly. The kind that focuses on the present moment. The kind where I can feel truly lighthearted or in the very least, neutral when this is brought up again. The kind that sees the bigger picture and knows that on a fundamental level, people are just manifesting their unhealed selves from a place of strategic survival. That all of this is truly impersonal.
I was reading The Giving Tree to further reflect on the concept of unconditional love and sacrifice. I think about parents who are just like this tree that despite it being a thankless job, would give everything to their children. I have never been a parent myself, but I feel the story of The Giving Tree is the closest metaphor of the ultimate sacrifice of what a good parent is. The tree gives everything to the boy, asking for his presence. When the boy rejects and takes from the giving tree, the tree accepts and surrenders to this boy’s freewill. This dynamic mirrors many personal relationships, where one person gives more while the other takes. I ponder my role in these dynamics, striving to find a balance between giving and receiving. This story is so sad and heavy; it taught me to be grateful, to never take anything for granted, and to avoid taking advantage of other people's kindness.
As I reflect on my desires, I realize my longing for material wealth is rooted in a desire for perpetual stability and the ability to give without worrying about my survival, which still stems from my limiting beliefs regarding my abundance.
When I give, it is to see my loved ones have a moment of joy. Unlike before, I hardly think about what I’ll get in return nowadays. I’ve been wanting generosity to be a part of my core values, which is not fully integrated in me yet. This goes beyond material possessions, which is being present, showing love, and being of service to others.
Despite my human desires and occasional superficiality, I am grateful for what I have and have an inner knowing I have everything I need and more. I have a loving partner, supportive friends, and a fulfilling life.
I recognize that some of my truest joys come from giving and seeing others happy. I sometimes wonder if I’ll ever get to a point where I get to be purely selfless. I wonder if this is the goal even. All I know now is I want to be more generous and discerningly give.
Pisces season reminds me of the importance of sacrifice and unconditional love. It's about giving without expecting anything in return, embodying the essence of true love and compassion. I strive to embody these qualities in all aspects of my life, just as Jesus did.
As a Gemini, I relate to the dual nature of Pisces, always seeking to balance my desires and aspirations with the deeper truths of life. If there is one thing a Gemini and Pisces have in common, it’s truly understanding that our time on Earth is so limited and not taking this time we have here on Earth for granted.
I admire all the people who chose to reincarnate as Pisceans in this lifetime. My mom and two of my best friends are Pisces. Like, how do they do it?! I remember wronging them in the past, and while I was sulking and working up the courage to say I’m sorry, they have already forgiven me. They are so natural with forgiving because they are so centered in themselves and their peace. While I'm hell-bent on finding the “truth,” (which I am not judging myself for btw because I think that’s also valuable) they simply know how to gracefully let things go. I want that superpower to just let things go, and hopefully, I’ll have that natural ability to do so one day. More practicing I must do.
This is what it means to be Pisces: they encompass all the zodiac signs. They are the shamans, the sages, the high-priestess, oracles, the ascendant masters: A true dedication for finding spiritual truths and choosing peace and presence above all else.
Pisces season and the New Moon in Pisces are times for introspection and spiritual growth. They remind us to let go of ego and expectations, to forgive unconditionally, and to love without limits. As I continue on my journey, I strive to embody the qualities of sacrifice and unconditional love, just as Pisces and Jesus have taught me.